C.2. (Continuing Visits Only) What changes have been made to the conceptual framework since the last visit?
The changes in the ULM Conceptual Framework are indicative of the unit’s desire to accurately depict the process, product and practice personified by the ULM Learning Facilitator. Beginning in spring 2008, Arts and Sciences faculty, CEHD faculty, candidates, and the professional community have all provided input on the version of the conceptual framework in place since 2004 (Exhibit C2.1 Conceptual Framework Review Process). Changes include:
The graphic is now described from inner circle to outer circles as “Process, Product, and Practice,” connoting the movement from education to practice and the geographic progression from local to global. The major change in the conceptual framework was the change in dispositions. The unit expressed the desire to increase the specificity of the indicators for each disposition such that the data would provide more detailed information upon which to base professional growth recommendations for candidates (Exhibit C2.2 Dispositions Change Process). A multi-stage process to identify more specific behaviors that are linked to our Knowledge and Skills produced a total of twenty-six disposition statements linked to the six Disposition categories to be implemented in fall 2009 (Exhibit C2.3 Dispositions 09). |